ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems

QMS E-Learning
Always available
Certificate of Completion
1 Lessons
Available online
Seminar Number: PH-GDP-ISO-9001-en

This course  provides the ISO 9001:2015 elements and requirements based on organization stature and process approach (Core/Key processes, Support processes and Management system). Internal QMS auditing and management review and continuous improvement are covered in this e-learning course. 

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Target group

Members of the Top management and operations team; Quality management professionals; Quality auditors; and anyone interested in ensuring quality services/products and customer satisfaction 


No prerequisite

Training outline

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Other information

For more information and inquiries, please contact This course will be valid for 3 days after first access.

Looking for in-house training? We got you covered!

  • We customize training for your business.
  • Trainings are held on-site, minimizing downtime and saving time.
  • Our quality and safety trainings promote compliance and proficiency.

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₱1,500.00 Price (excl. VAT)
₱1,680.00 Price (incl. VAT)
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Lowest total price available per person. Higher prices per event date are possible. Possibly. Exam fees are included in the total price. All price details can be found in the selection area at the bottom of this page.
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In need of In-house training?

  • We customize training for your business.
  • Trainings are held on-site, minimizing downtime and saving time.
  • Our quality and safety trainings promote compliance and proficiency.
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