Managing Health and Safety Part 4: Eliminating and Reducing Risks

How to reduce risks in the workplace and best practices on how to achieve this.
Always available
Certificate of Completion
1 Lessons
Available online
Seminar Number: PH-C01-MgtHSE4-EL

This course was developed to help you reduce risks in the workplace and achieve an overall  safer environment to work in. In addition, this course will enable you to promote  a positive safety culture.


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Target group

Managers, supervisors, people who manage people, an area or a building etc..(any industry)


No prerequisites required to undertake this course. Anyone can complete it.

Training outline

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Other information

For more information and inquiries, please contact This course will be valid for 3 days after first access.

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₱1,000.00 Price (excl. VAT)
₱1,120.00 Price (incl. VAT)
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In need of In-house training?

  • We customize training for your business.
  • Trainings are held on-site, minimizing downtime and saving time.
  • Our quality and safety trainings promote compliance and proficiency.
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