Electric Mobility: Introduction to Electric Mobility

Introduction to Electric Mobility
Always available
Certificate of Attendance
1 Lessons
Available online
Seminar Number: PH-C11-GDS_emob_v01_u01_en

The automotive industry is transitioning from internal combustion engines to battery-powered electric motors. Hybrid vehicles are an important part of this transition. In this training unit you will learn about the history of electric mobility, the different drive concepts on the market and their characteristics. You will also learn about the main electrical components of battery electric vehicles and what a software-defined vehicle is.


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Target group

Employees of car dealerships
Fleet managers
Automotive mechanics and service technicians
Automotive Sales Representatives
Interested parties from related industries



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Other information

For more information and inquiries, please contact academy@phl.tuv.com. This course will be valid for 3 days after first access.

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₱1,000.00 Price (excl. VAT)
₱1,120.00 Price (incl. VAT)
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